Badhiya Offers is committed to providing honest and transparent information to our readers. This page discloses our participation in affiliate advertising programs to build trust and ensure you understand our partnerships.

What are Affiliate Links?

Many/All links on Badhiya Offers are affiliate links. When you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission from the retailer at no additional cost to you. These commissions help us maintain and improve Badhiya Offers, allowing us to continue providing valuable content and recommendations.

Our Affiliate Relationships:

Currently, we primarily participate in the following affiliate programs:

  • Amazon Associates
  • Flipkart Affiliate
  • Myntra Affiliate

In the future, we may expand our partnerships with other stores. These will be clearly listed on dedicated “Stores” pages on Badhiya Offers.

Editorial Independence:

Our recommendations are based on our genuine opinions and experiences. We strive to provide unbiased and honest information regardless of any affiliate relationships. We only recommend products or services that we truly believe in and would personally use or recommend to family and friends.

Transparency and Your Trust:

  • Paragraph Disclosure: Throughout our website, you’ll find clear disclosures within specific content highlighting affiliate links.
  • Placement: We also display this general disclosure page prominently in both our navigation bar and footer for easy access.
  • Target Audience: We cater to readers in India and aim to comply with applicable regulations, including FTC guidelines.

Thank you for supporting Badhiya Offers!

Your click on affiliate links not only helps us but also ensures we can continue creating helpful and informative content for you. We appreciate your trust and support.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our affiliate practices, please don’t hesitate to contact us through

About Us

Welcome to Badhiya Offers – Find hidden deals around you.
We are established in 2023, we are experts in product research, so we decided to use our skill in enhancing your experience in finding more relatable and reliable products.

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